It looks like winter has finally come to an end in most parts of the country. The warmer weather means you’ll be guiding workers to get outside, getting our homes clear of winter debris, and getting your facility ready for spring, let’s make sure it’s done safely.
Spring has its own set of conditions to bear in mind, in this article, you’ll discover our tips on best practices.
“Don't think safety is only good on the job, safety must continue at home too." – Safety Mike
General Safety Tips
General safety is the first thing to consider heading into spring. Here are some great spring safety tips to keep yourself and your family safe as your transition into the new season:
Remove old paint cans and paint thinners. Your local dump station should have a place for hazardous material drop off to dispose of these chemicals safely.
Consider your smoke alarms. Do you have a adequate amount in your home or workplace? Change the batteries each spring to be sure you are properly prepared for an emergency.
Clean the dust covers of carbon monoxide detectors.
Review your emergency escape plan with each member of the family in the event of a fire.
Clean or replace your furnace filter.
Properly clean grease from your stove hood or replace hood filters. This is one way to keep flames from spreading should a fire happen.
Inspect all fire extinguishers. Check needle indicators and dates to be sure It will work when you need it.
Pay close attention to dryer ducts or vents to be sure that lint has not collected and blocked this space. The build up of lint can lead to a fire.
Check all chords to prevent an electrical fire. Make sure they are not frayed, and wires are not visible.
Outdoor Safety Tips
It is also important to have an outdoor emergency plan for your family.
Practice ladder safety. If you plan on climbing a ladder, you should do so accompanied by someone who can help in the event of an emergency. Be sure ladders are placed on level spaces and they have been secured.
Check outdoor outlets and cords for frays and damage.
Check any gas-operated equipment to be sure all fuel lines are safe.
Do not store gasoline in an open space, store it in a certified approved flammable cabinet. Be sure all equipment used for lawn equipment and outdoor purposes has been properly inspected.
Keep all dangerous options liquids or chemicals from children, especially those that can become flammable.
Although you might not have considered following these Spring emergency procedures, they are important to the safety of your family.